The Introduction of Department of Biotechnology

The Research Center of Biochemistry and Medical Technology, the predecessor of Research Institute of Biotechnology, was founded at HungKuang University in 1999. Under the permission of Ministry of Education, the Research Institute of Biotechnology at HungKuang University was launched in 2002 and had started to recruit postgraduate students since 2003.

One year after, Department of Biotechnology was formed and started to enroll new students in 2004. In 2005, the Research Institute of Biotechnology conjoined the Department of Biotechnology and became the Master’s program of Department of Biotechnology. The number of students enrolled have been expanded since then.

The Department of Biotechnology began to recruit the students for the division of continuing education in 2009. The Department of Biotechnology was home to  approximately 500 undergraduate and 20 graduate students in 2013.

The division of continuing education in Department of Biotechnology stopped enrollment in 2015 and the Bachelor degree program in animal healthcare was created in 2016. The department currently encompasses more than 150 undergraduate and 7 graduate students.